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Teacher Bloggers

     I have learned that by being a blogger not only can you share your ideas with other educators but, also follow teacher blogs to learn new ideas for in the classroom. It is important to share your personal ideas with other teachers since they could add insight to improve the way you teach or yourself as blogger can give new teachers ideas on how to approach their teaching years. As a result, my opinions on blogging has changed drastically.

    I enjoyed reading Ms.Cassidy's blog since I have family who live in Moose Jaw as well as they are also teachers. I found the different activities she shared gave me a better knowledge of different learning opportunities myself and my future students could experience. This teacher blogger taught many hands on experiences that kept the students attention but also incorporated all the different kinds of learners in a classroom setting. 

    I feel with this blog they talk about active problems and how these problems could be resolved. I feel that there is many problems with each generation and as time passes each generations as new problems that arrive however, no one brings up the issues. I feel this blog brings up issues in todays society and allows for people to feel comfortable enough to talk about the issues. this blog is worth following since there are many blogs listed that one would not think about until it is mentioned. One of the blogs that is mentioned is "How diverse are college stuff members" this goes to show that students in college could feel that professors do not treat al their students the same. 

    The last blog I felt caught my attention as a future educator is Teachers on fire. This blog caught my attention since it is big on using technology in the classroom setting which is becoming increasingly popular each year. I personally feel it is important to allow students to use technology in the classroom setting since almost everywhere people go there is some sort of technology being used. Students will learn how to not only properly use technology, also learn about the safety when using technology and how to avoid sights that do not provide valid information. 

 #blogging #teacherblogger    

Little kids schoolchildren pupils students running hurrying to the school building for classes lessons from to the school bus. Welcome back to school. The new academic semester year start Little kids schoolchildren pupils students running hurrying to the school building for classes lessons from to the school bus. Welcome back to school. The new academic semester year start school stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Credit to: Inside Creative House


  1. Nice Job! This blog is well-written and organized. You make good points in all of your paragraphs. The one that caught my attention was 'How diverse are college staff members' where you talk about the importance of feeling valued. I love how this blog looks! Keep going, good job! :)


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