I had the opportunity of being able to listen to Kaila and Kristi talk about their experiences as teacher bloggers and how it all works. I like the way Kaila and Kristi have their instagram set up and how quickly they will reply if there is any questions. I think they both made very good points on how to work a Professional Learning Network. What I learned about Professional Learning Networks, many teachers use them or have accounts of their own whether it is on Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube etc. These accounts ensure ways for teachers to receive new information to use in the classroom or share techniques they use themselves. Having a blogging account as a teacher allows you to receive feedback and learn different ideas. There is always new ideas on how to improve yourself as a teacher or new lessons to teach students. Social media as a teacher allows for there to be new ideas circling as 24/7 instead of running of the same ideas until we retire....